新的一年:in the year ahead    以……为引领:take as our guide sth/take sth as our guide
要继续以党的新时代的强军目标为引领:continue to take as our guide the Party’s goal of building stronger armed forces for the new era
强军=建立强大的军队/强化军队:build stronger armed forces/strengthen the military
牢固确立习近平强军思想在国防和军队建设中的指导地位=确保以习近平强军思想来指导我们发展国防和军队的工作:ensure that our work to develop national defense and the armed forces is guided by Xi Jinping’s thinking on strengthening the military
国防和军队建设=发展国防和军队的工作:work to develop national defense and the armed forces
深入推进某事:further efforts to do sth
Further: vt.促进;助长;推进
政治建军=确保武装部队在政治上的忠诚:ensure the political loyalty of the armed forces
改革强军、科技兴军=通过改革和科技来壮大军队:strengthen them (the armed forces) through reform, science and technology
依法治军=依法管理军队:run them (the armed forces) in accordance with law
run: vt.管理;经营
党对军队绝对领导的根本原则和制度:the fundamental principle and system of absolute Party’s leadership over the armed forces
全面深入贯彻:fully enforce
军委主席负责制=中央军委主席最终负责制:the system of ultimate responsibility resting with the chairman of the Central Military Commission
军委主席=(中共)中央军事委员会主席:the chairman of the Central Military Commission
军事战略方针:the military strategy (“方针”为范畴词,省译)
提高实战化军事训练水平=加强实战条件下的军事训练:strengthen military training under combat conditions
国防和军队改革:reforms in national defense and the armed forces
建立健全……=建立一个健全的……:establish a sound...
中国特色社会主义军事政策制度体系:system of socialist military policies and institutions (政策制度) with Chinese characteristics
依法管理宗教事务:oversee (管理=监督) religious affairs in accordance with law
发挥宗教界人士和信教群众(=宗教领导和信教者)在促进经济社会发展中的积极作用:encourage religious leaders and believers to take an active part in promoting economic and social development
落实:act on/enforce/implement
侨务政策=与华侨相关的政策:policies related to overseas Chinese nationals(华侨/海外侨胞=海外中国人)
海外侨胞和归侨侨眷=海外侨胞、归侨、侨眷:overseas Chinese nationals, returned overseas Chinese, and relatives of overseas Chinese nationals residing in China
合法权益:legitimate rights and interests
画好海内外中华儿女的最大同心圆=寻求海内外中国人的最大利益趋同:seek the greatest convergence of interests among all Chinese, both at home and overseas(海内外中华儿女)
汇聚起共创辉煌的澎湃力量=在我们为创造非凡成就而努力时汇聚强大力量:forge a mighty force as we endeavor to create more remarkable achievements
国防动员体系:system for national defense mobilization
增强全民国防意识=提高公众国防意识:heighten public consciousness about national defense
军民融合发展战略=军民融合/整合战略:the military-civilian integration strategy
加快做某事/加快……的步伐:speed up efforts to do sth
国防科技创新=国防相关科技创新:make innovations in defense related science and technology
各级政府:government at all levels
大力关心支持……=让我们自己关注某事并大力支持某事:concern ourselves with and vigorously support...
深入开展“双拥”(军民间的相互支持)活动=进行广泛的促进军民互动的活动:conduct extensive activities to promote mutual support between the military and civilians
军政军民团结之树:the tree of unity between the military and the government and between the military and the people
根深叶茂、永葆长青=长出深根、永远开花:grow deep roots and is always in blossom
全面准确:fully and faithfully
严格依照:act in strict compliance with
全力支持=得到全力支持:have our full support in
行政长官:chief executives
依法施政=实施依法治理:exercise law-based governance
更好发挥自身优势:give better play to their strengthens
全面(=在所有领域)深化与内地互利合作:deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with the mainland in all fields
坚信:have every confidence
与祖国内地同发展共进步:develop and thrive together with the mainland
保持长期繁荣稳定:maintain long-term prosperity and stability
对台工作:on work related to Taiwan
大政方针=主要原则和政策:the major principles and policies
《告台湾同胞书》发表40周年纪念会:the meeting to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the issuance of the Message to Our Compatriots in Taiwan(《告台湾同胞书》)
习近平总书记的重要讲话精神=习近平总书记讲话体现的指导原则:the guiding principles embodied in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speeches
“九二共识”:the 1992 Consensus
两岸关系=台湾海峡两岸关系:relations across the Taiwan Straits
祖国和平统一进程=中国的和平统一:China’s peaceful reunification(“进程”为范畴词,可省译)
反对和遏制:oppose and deter
“台独”分裂图谋和行径=寻求“台湾独立”的分离主义计划或行动:separatist schemes(计划;组合;体制;诡计) or activities seeking “Taiwan independence”
两岸融合发展:integrated development on both sides of the Taiwan Straits
两岸经济文化交流合作:cross-Strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation
同根相系=被亲情/血缘系着:be bound by kinship
同命相连=享有同一命运:share a common destiny
共创共享全体中国人的美好未来=为全体中国人创造美好未来而共同努力:work together to create a beautiful future for all Chinese
百年未有之大变局=百年未见的一种深刻变化:profound changes of a kind unseen in a century
坚定不移走和平发展道路=保持在和平发展的道路上:remain on the path of peaceful development
奉行互利共赢的开放战略=追求互利型的开放:pursue mutually beneficial opening up
以联合国为核心的国际体系=围绕联合国建立的国际体系:the international system built around the United Nations
全球治理体系:the global governance system
坚定维护:firmly uphold
人类命运共同体:a human community with a shared future/a community with (a) shared future for mankind
沟通对话与协调合作:communication, dialogue, coordination and cooperation
周边国家=邻国/邻近国家:neighboring countries
互利合作:win-win/mutually beneficial cooperation
妥善应对全球性挑战:respond appropriately to global challenges
解决地区热点问题:address flashpoints((尤指政治动乱的)爆发点) in some regions
积极提供更多中国建设性方案:actively offer more constructive Chinese approaches for...
愿意做某事=准备好做某事:stand ready to do sth
为……作出新的贡献:make new contributions in...
促进世界持久和平与共同发展/繁荣:promote enduring world peace and shared prosperity
我国发展面临多年少有的国内外复杂严峻形势=在今年追求发展的过程中,中国面临着多年来少见的复杂而严峻的国内外形势:in pursuing development this year, China faced a complicated and challenging domestic and international environment of a kind rarely seen in many year
出现新的下行压力:come under new downward pressure
以习近平同志为核心的党中央:the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core
全国各族人民:Chinese people of all ethnic groups
砥砺奋进=锐意进取/继续前进:forged ahead/work hard to press ahead
攻坚克难=克服困难:overcame difficulties
国内生产总值增长6.6%,总量突破90万亿元:GDP grew by 6.6 percent, exceeding 90 trillion yuan
用电、货运等实物量指标:electricity consumption, freight transport, and other indicators
居民消费价格:consumer price
国际收支:balance of payments
国际收支基本平衡=在收支平衡方面,维持了基本的平衡:in the balance of payments a basic equilibrium was maintained
城镇新增就业1361万人:a further 13.61 million new urban jobs were added
经济结构不断优化=经济结构进一步提升完善:economic structure was further improved
拉动经济增长:drive/stimulate economic growth
Play an increase role:发挥越来越大的作用
服务业:service sector/industry
高技术产业:high-tech industry
装备制造业:equipment manufacturing
农业再获丰收:harvests were again good
单位国内生产总值:per unit of GDP
Something grand or heroic=something grand or something heroic  大人物或英雄人物
something: n. a person that is much better than others of a similar type 出色的人;重要的人
反义词:nothing 无价值的人;无关紧要的人
eg: The software still has a few glitches but we’ve come up with a workaround.
Vicariously:indirectly 间接感受到地;担任代理者地
Blaze new trails:创新blaze a trail:开辟道路
blaze: vt.开拓/开辟(道路等)
do sb/sth a disservice:损害/伤害某人/某物的声誉
beef:n.a complaint牢骚
如:What’s his latest beef? 他最近在抱怨什么?
let alone 更不必说;听任;不打扰
by implication 含蓄地;暗示地
calling:n.a profession or career职业;事业
out there在那里
stumble onto偶然找到;碰上
a viable(可行的;能养活的) option/proposition 切实可行的选择/提议
stand-up comedian 单口相声演员
enter:vt.to become a member of an institution 成为……的一员;加入
overcome/clear/get over a hurdle(n.障碍;栏;(体育)跳栏/跨栏):成功克服困难
live up to 不辜负;做到
be bound to 必然;一定要
take sth for granted:视为当然;想当然地认为
upside:n.the positive part of a situation 优势;正面rosy:adj.美好的;乐观的
paint a rosy picture of:将……描绘得非常好
be better off doing sth最好做某事
go in with 参加;加入
warts and all: including all the bad or unpleasant features of sb/sth不掩盖地;毫无保留地
fulfill oneself完全实现自己的抱负
for:prep.in support of sb/sth支持;拥护
claim:vt.to gain, win or achieve sth 获得;赢得;取得
earn: vt. 获得;博得;赢得
high school seniors(高年级学生)高中毕业班学生
college seniors 大学毕业生
rage: vi. To continue in a violent way 猛烈地继续;激烈进行
set: vt. To decide and state when something will happen, how much something cost, what should be done etc 确定;安排
antitrust regular: 反垄断监管机构
collapse: n. (机构、生意或行动等)突然失败;倒闭
talk: n. (政府或组织之间正式的)洽谈;会谈;谈判
常见短语:arms/pay/peace talks军备/工资/和平谈判
bar: vt. 禁止;阻止;阻拦
bar sb. from sth/from doing sth 禁止某人做某事
destine: vt. 指定;命定;注定;预定
destined: adj 发往……的
be destined for:运往   近义词:be bound for
move: n. an action that you do or need to do to achieve sth 行动;举措
armed clashes(冲突;抵触) 武装冲突   violent clashes 暴力冲突
deprive sb of sth:剥夺某人……
review: vt. 评审;审查;检讨
acquire: vt. 收购(公司/企业);并购
blessing支持;同意;许可;鼓励   with sb’s blessing 得到某人的同意
plant工厂,车间;设备   assembly plant装配工厂   常见短语:car/chemical/power plant 汽车/化工/发电厂
Out of sync with与……不同步/不一致
In sync  同步;一致;协调
art: n. the ability or skill involved in doing or making something   技术;技巧
commemorate plaque  纪念碑
roasted chestnuts  炒栗子
serve: vt. (餐饮业)提供;端上
until: prep 在……之前
It was far from clear that ……尚不清楚/不甚明朗
take to (短时间内)喜欢上;走向;开始从事
entice sb to do sth/entice sb into doing sth  诱使某人做某事
promote: vt. 促销;推销
milk-and sugar-heavy 浓奶或浓糖     heavy 大量的;过度的;强烈的
business/news/shopping portal(门户网站;入口网站) 商务/新闻/购物门户网站
initial public offering 首次公开募股
giving it a value of about $4bn... 市值约40亿美元
see: vt. to consider sth as a future possibility; to imagine sb/sth as sth   当作;认为
posh(时髦的;漂亮的;奢侈的) end of the market 高端市场
whipped(vt.搅打(奶油、蛋及等食物至起泡沫)) cream 掼奶油(搅打至松软的奶油)
roast: n.(炒好的)咖啡豆
roasts of one’s choice 自己选择的咖啡
favour A as a fit with B  认为A是B的最佳搭配/喜欢将A和B搭配
chic(very fashionable and elegant) interiors 精致/时髦内饰
(1)This explains research(主句) showing that people who graduate from college during a recession are more satisfied with their work three decades later(非谓语做后置定语,修饰research): they don’t take it for granted that they have a job(动词+it+宾语补足语+从句的形式,其中it是形式宾语,真正宾语是that引导的从句).(这可以解释这样的研究,该研究表明,在经济衰退期毕业的大学生30年后工作满足感会更强,因为他们不觉得有份工作诗理所当然的事情。)
(2)China’s antitrust regulator on Wednesday announced a fine of around $25 million on Ford’s main joint venture(主句) in the country, the latest action against an American company(是主句整个句子所说事件的同位语) amid the widening economic battle between China and the United States(是the latest action的时间状语).(周三,中国反垄断监管机构宣布,对福特在中国的主要合资企业处以约2500万美元的罚款,这是在中美经济斗争愈演愈烈之际,中国针对美国公司的最新行动。)
(3)The fine on Changan Ford, which is owned equally by the Detroit automaker and a state-backed Chinese company(是修饰Changan Ford的非限制性定语从句), comes(主句) as Whshington and Beijing have taken aim at each other’s businesses(是as引导的时间状语从句) following the collapse of trade talks last month(是taken aim at的时间状语).(长安福特有底特律的福特汽车制造公司和一家有政府背景的中国公司共同拥有。这一罚款正逢华盛顿和北京在上月贸易谈判破裂后,互相瞄准对方企业之际。)
(4)On a spring morning in Chengdu(是主句的地点状语), the capital of the south-western province of Sichuan(是Chengdu的同位语), Zhang Xiaoyu stands in her classroom(主句), teaching the art of coffee-making(非谓语动词短语做伴随状语).(在中国西南部四川省省会成都,张晓宇(音)正站在她的教室里,讲授泡咖啡的技巧。)