
  在此特别感谢:DandeLion、Scorpio、笑靥°、堕¥主、Nanase Haruka、小さな熊さん、henry liu、 今天的单词背了没等学员



英译汉1 中产阶级的兴起

  目前中产阶级人口为 38 亿,占全球人口一半左右,和贫困人口相当。中产阶级是人口中增长最 快的,预计到 2020 年底将达 40 亿。增长最多的是在亚洲,包括中国、印度、东南亚等。富人虽 然人均消费高,但是人数少。穷人人数多,但是收入不足以消费。因此中产阶级的崛起带来了商 机,以前只在发达国家出现,现在全球都是如此。对于中产阶级的定义有很多,比如定义穷人为 每人每天消费 1.8 美元,而中产阶级为每人每天 110 美元。我们对中产阶级的定义是能够买得起 经久耐用的大件物品,比如摩托车、冰箱等;他们还能进行娱乐消费,例如看电影、度假等。他 们不会因病致贫,或者因失业致贫,能够抵御经济困难的风险。这种定义也得到了很多研究人员 的认可。 

英译汉2 全球贸易和供应链

  全球贸易实际上是企业进行竞争和合作的过程。但是美国总统特朗普、美国政治家和官员并不这 么认为。他们相信总统所做的承诺,即让美国再次伟大起来。当然国家间的关系也有着竞争,比 如影响力的竞争,最坏的情况下甚至会进行军事冲突。但是认为贸易等同于国家间的竞争,实际 上是将参与全球贸易的公司和国家划等号,原因是贸易数据实际上是由进出口组成的。于是有人 相信这种谬论,即 A 国出口 10 美元到 B 国,就意味着 A 国国内生产了 10 美元的产品。这实际 上跟现实失之千里。如今所有国家和公司都要参与到全球性的供应链之中,除非某个国家完全闭 关锁国,不参与国家贸易。但是世界上没有这样一个国家,即使是朝鲜也不例外。比如苹果公司 的苹果手机,是由起源于台湾的鸿海,也就是富士康,在中国大陆设厂生产的。每年中国向美国 运送价值 20 亿美元的苹果手机。特朗普认为这是美国对中国贸易逆差的原因之一。但是实际上, 虽然在手机中国生产,但是手机部件的供应商遍布全球,家喻户晓的比如韩国的三星和 LG,日 本的东芝和索尼,美国自己的高通等等。还有一些不那么出名,但是同样重要的供应商则来自荷 兰、新加坡等。更复杂的是,富士康在新加坡、马拉西亚、泰国等地设厂,也向大陆的富士康供 应部件。因此根据拉里研究机构的报告显示,中国实际上只获取了其中一小部分产品附加值。

汉译英1 WTO 的改革

(来源自: http://wto.mofcom.gov.cn/article/hyfy/201811/20181102808908.shtml) 
  和一个国家一样,任何国际组织都需要与时俱进,WTO 也不例外。多哈回合久拖不决,十 多年来,发达成员数千亿美元的农业补贴没有一丝一毫的削减;电子商务等新兴业态在全球市场 上风生水起,WTO 却未能提供任何国际规范;更严重的是,面对今天甚嚣尘上的单边主义、保 护主义狂潮,WTO 难以进行有效地制约。 

  因此,WTO 需要改革、必须改革。同时,改革必须坚持正确的方向,采取恰当的方式。

  第一,改革必须坚持反对保护主义、单边主义的方向,必须有助于推进世界范围的贸易自由 化、投资便利化进程,必须坚持非歧视的原则,必须充分发扬民主。改革不是另起炉灶,对已经 制定的规则,大家都要遵守;如有人破坏,应群起反对之。

  新的商业领域需要新规则,也应允许部分成员,也许可从志同道合的成员开始进行探索, 但要充分听取和考虑广大发展中国家的意见和需求,最终形成多边规则。

  第二,改革需要有优先顺序,循序渐进,不能好高骛远。通过成员间的协商和谈判,如果能 够尽快恢复 WTO 争端解决机制的正常运转,如果能够在 2019 年如期达成渔业补贴协议,如果 能在电子商务、投资便利化、中小微企业等议题的讨论上有所进展,如果能够在透明度等问题上 也做出一些改善,已是功莫大焉。在上述领域的改革中,中国愿意发挥积极的、建设性的作用, 并做出与自身能力相称的贡献。

  有人把 WTO 比喻成为一个患了严重疾病的人,如果是这样的话,做出正确诊断比匆忙开出 药方更重要。今天的讨论可以算是一次医生的集体会诊,类似的会诊也许会以不同的方式进行多次,直到我们确认真正的病源是什么,然后再对症下药。

  我们每个人都知道 WTO 的危机来自何方。任何一个国家或者个人对 WTO 的态度,都只是 WTO 改革的背景,而不是改革的原因。当然我们必须要做最坏的打算,但我不想针对假设性的 问题花费过多的时间。我只想说,我们会在自己的能力和职责范围内,努力推动正确的 WTO 改革。 

汉译英 2 


(部分来源自: http://www.chinatransparency.com/article/1955/250205.html http://m.haiwainet.cn/middle/3541150/2015/0308/content_28495725_1.html) 

 “一带一路”倡议提出以来,许多国家都将其视为和中国合作的机会和平台。但是也有批评 认为,中国的“一带一路”所提供的的贷款,加大了例如斯里兰卡等国的债务,使他们无力偿还。 但是一带一路倡议实施仅仅五年,中国是国际投融资市场的后来者。中国公司走出去,在国外投 资也有限。根据斯里兰卡中央银行的统计数据,2017 年中国的贷款仅占斯里兰卡外债的 10%左 右,其中 60%是低于国际市场利率的优惠贷款。因此,很明显,斯里兰卡外债负担,并不是中 国的责任。实际上债务有很多因素构成,包括一个国家的历史旧账、国际经济环境的变化,包括 储备货币上涨、其他国家利率上调、大宗商品价格的下降等。斯里兰卡的港口建设,实际上是斯 里兰卡邀请中方进行的。斯里兰卡一直希望打造全球性的物流和仓储中心,但是因为内乱和战争, 始终没有如愿。如今斯里兰卡局势稳定,因此希望中国参与建设。一开始中国企业不了解当地局 势,也有很多犹豫,最后经过大量研究、探讨,双方终于达成共识,组建合资企业,股权共有。 但是我要强调的是,港口的主权和所有权都属于斯里兰卡,建设完成后,如果斯里兰卡觉得有必 要,可以购回股权。

  也有人将“一带一路”与马歇尔计划相比较。“一带一路”与马歇尔计划有相似之处,它们 都是在和平时期促进基础设施发展的倡议。但是“一带一路”与马歇尔计划存在本质区别。首先 一带一路”比“马歇尔计划”既古老得多,又年轻得多。说古老,是因为“一带一路”传承着具 有两千多年历史的古代丝绸之路精神,是古代丝绸之路精神的现代版本。说年轻,是因为“一带 一路”诞生于全球化时代,是开放合作的产物,不是地缘政治的工具,不同于马歇尔计划,因为 它诞生于冷战期间,是美苏争霸的产物。其次,“一带一路”重在强调不同国家间的相互交流和 互联互通。 


英译汉passage 1

When I came here last year, it was 9 months after the agreement was signed by OPEC members and non-OPEC countries. Now we have been out of 3 years of recession. cooperation between 25 countries has helped bring back stability, having a positive impact on world economy and trade. In the past 20 months, the change in the situations is like day and night.

However, it’s not the time for us to rest on the success. We should continue to build a healthy and stable market. Despite the recovery, there are still factors that are out of our control: geopolitical crises, disputes between countries and natural disasters. It is important for us to handle these risks and it is crucial to the market in the short term and in the long term.

We are in support of the Paris Agreement, which is the most important document about climate change and sustainable energy. Historically, people think renewable energy is the only choice for the future, but I think this idea is misleading. Actually, we need a diversity of energy sources, rather than just one source.

New renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are developing rapidly and the share of hydroelectric power remains stable. By 2040, renewable energy will account for 19% in the global energy mix. Nuclear power will represent 6%. That means 3/4 of the energy supply will have to be found elsewhere. So oil is still important.  

Global energy demand is predicted to increase by 30%, in order to meet the needs of economic development and increased population. 3 billion people need energy for cooking, and there are still 1 billion people lacking electricity. Energy supply can have no holidays. It is a 24h service. Energy supply has to be reliable, stable and sustainable.

英译汉passage 2

What is human resources capital index? It is a statistic tool for measuring how a country prepares its people for the challenges in the future. We can’t wait any more, though I know some countries may not feel happy about its ranking.

In the past years, many countries have invested much in infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and airports. This is because the social and political benefits of investment in infrastructure are apparent. However, it takes years to see the benefits of investment in human resources, so there is a great gap in countries’ investment in human resources capital, and the gap is likely to widen.

The focus of our index is to ask 3 questions: first, how many children in a country can live to 5 years old? second, after reaching the age of 5, how many children go to school? third, when these young people go to the job market, how many have received sufficient training, which lays a good foundation for live-long learning. If children are provided with nutritious food and good health care, they will then request advanced education. However, in many countries, children face chronic lack of nutritious food, health care and school. If their brains don’t develop fully, later when they enter the job market they will be in a disadvantageous situation.

If a country doesn’t invest in human resources capital, its economic output cannot increase, and it cannot compete with other countries. Most of my life has been spent on investment in human resources capital in developing countries, and I have seen how the lack of investment in human resources capital has brought miseries. We call on donors to contribute more to these developing countries. However, we should also recognize that the huge needs cannot be met just by foreign aide. It is more important that the developing countries improve their own ability.

Investment in human resources capital is important. Developing countries should improve air quality, provide clean water, school bus service, health care and social security.

汉译英 1 中国为什么仍然是发展中国家





第三,中国的发展仍很不平衡。中国的东部地区面积只占全国的1/3,但是人口和GDP占全国的2/3. 在座的很多可能到过中国的北京、上海等大城市,在那里你们看到了中国发生了怎样的巨变。但是如果你们到西部地区看一看,又会发现中国的发展仍然很不均衡。



汉译英 2 支持民营经济 









对话 有关汉语热

  由春节晚会聊到汉语热,随后又讲了除中国外包括海外侨胞有接近 1 亿人说中文。又讲了特朗普、 华尔街大亨罗杰斯、扎克伯格等名人的子女学习中文,讲了汉语热的原因,不只是喜欢语言,还 有汉文化,中国功夫,书法等等,也讲了西方人学习中文为的是在中国这个市场拼搏


参考来源 :(http://news.sipac.gov.cn/sipnews/yqzt/yqzt2018/201806sjxlsc/zg/201806/t20180622_738645.htm)

  1994 年月 26 日,中新两国政府正式签订合作协议。作为中国和新加坡政府合作项目,以新 加坡裕廊工业园区为蓝本的苏州工业园区,诞生在江南水乡。园区位于苏州东部,从创建开始就 承担着改革开放“窗口”和“试验田”的功能。 二十多年来,苏州工业园区已成为全国乃至国际上都有重要影响的对外开放窗口。苏州工业 园区作为中国和新加坡两国政府间合作的首个重要合作项目,经过 24 年的发展,取得了举世瞩 目的成就,不仅成为了中国改革开放的重要窗口和中外经济技术互利合作的成功典范,同时还为 双方深层次的文化交搭建了重要平台。如今苏州工业园区已发展成为中国顶尖的开发区,更是新 加坡和中国双边合作的先行先试者。 我谨借此机会对中国中央政府、江苏省政府、苏州市政府以及园区管委会对此项目所给予的 支持和友谊表示由衷的感谢。新加坡和苏州的深厚友谊源于频繁的人员互访及文化交流,希望通 过类似的音乐盛宴和园区的新老朋友欢聚一堂,加深友谊。 未来,园区将认真落实两国领导人的重要指示精神,进一步拓展合作领域、丰富合作内涵、 扩大合作成果、加快建设世界一流高科技产业园区,为深化中新友好合作做出更大贡献。欢迎大 家多到苏州走一走、看一看,亲身感受中国改革开放 40 年来的深刻变化,共同携手创造更加美好的明天! 

英译汉 中国发展的三座桥

IMF 总裁拉加德中国国际进口博览会开幕式主旨演讲 Three Bridges to a Prosperous Future Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director China International Import Expo, Shanghai November 5, 2018 
President Xi, Heads of State and Government, honored guests, friends, colleagues, business community – good morning, Zhao Shang Hao! 
Last night, when, just like so many of you, I crossed the beautiful Huangpu River on [the] Lupu Bridge. 
I was reminded of the talent of China to build bridges. Let me mention three of them.  
Bridge number one: 40 years ago, China started to build its “bridge to the world” by opening its economy and kickstarting reforms that have changed the lives and prospects of hundreds of millions of people – here but also beyond China. 
By transforming itself – through trade, through hard work, also learning from others – China has helped transform not only itself but also the global economy. Progress in this country has played a significant role in boosting productivity, boosting innovation – President, as you said – and living standards in countries around the world. 
Yes, there is always more work to be done. Because on that bridge, you don’t want traffic jam, you don’t want bottleneck, and you don’t want restricted traffic. So, yes, there is room for even greater reform in the domestic market of China, which can help strengthen the global trade system. And there is scope for further reforms that will help unleash the full potential of so many private-sector firms. 
Bridge number two: China is building a “bridge to prosperity” by rebalancing its economy towards consumption-led growth, as opposed to export- and investment-led growth. 
Building that bridge is well underway. In the first three quarters of this year only, consumption contributed 78 percent of China’s GDP growth, as opposed to 50 percent only 5 years ago. 
This transition – which is symbolized by the China International Import Expo – is good for China, but it is good for the world, including all those who see China as a vital and vibrant market for their goods and for their services. 
Again, we can see the progress and rebalancing in the numbers: for example, China’s current account is likely to be just about 1 percent this year, compared with 10 percent 10 years ago. 
Bridge number three: China is building a “bridge to the future” by harnessing the power of international cooperation, especially in trade. 
On behalf of the International Monetary Fund, I have called [on] all parties…all parties to de-escalate and resolve the current trade disputes and to fix the global trade system, not destroy it. To achieve these goals, we need more international cooperation, not less – and that goes well beyond economics. 
I want to quote here one of our French philosophers Montesquieu, who said, “wherever there is good citizenship, there is trade; wherever there is trade, there is good citizenship.” 
So, in other words, trade has the capacity to boost innovation, to encourage prosperity but also peace within countries and between nations. 
So, in Shanghai, the city of 12 bridges, I will only mention three, but this is where we need to start this cooperation towards more peace and more prosperous future. 

Thank you.